MT&L: Play and Give (2010)

A screenshot from the Play and Give holiday card

A digital holiday card for clients of MT&L (now NATIONAL Public Relations – Halifax). This was a project with creative direction from Paul Williams, design/illustration by Samira Saoud, writing/scenario design by Jennifer Beck. I did the development and integration.

We worked together as a group for project brainstorming. We knew we wanted to do something interesting on the web, and eventually landed on the idea of building a small "game". I thought something in the point-and-click space would be pretty easy to build. Having done some work in Flash, this was my first JavaScript-based game-like thing, and I was pretty happy with how it worked out.

In the original version, people could vote where they'd like a donation to go once they finish the game. This was handled by a simple Django app that tallied votes, which we used to manually distribute the donation after the fact. I kept the voting popup as-is, though most of the links no longer work and the voting is stubbed out.

Play the game!

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